Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stila Online Warehouse Sale

Thought you might want to check this out!

Click on the photo or follow this link to shop.  I've done reviews of a few of the items that are on sale in case you wanted to see a swatch or two.


  1. Replies
    1. LOL!!

      I feel bad about slacking on my blogging! I've just been working so much on writing creatively (half-assed attempt at NaNoWriMo?) that writing reviews seems so weird whenever I start typing one. That and I'm still adjusting to my post-vacation returning-to-real-life shock. hahahaha

    2. It's ok the scrange, you ride that creative wave while you have it. Atleast one of your loyal followers will still be here when you return (hint: it'll be me).

      (I'm bad at hints)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They've definitely taken a beating from playing guitar and not wearing polish for nearly a month now (!!!), but I think they'll look fine once they finally get some polish on them. Now, my cuticles... that's another story entirely. Yikes.

  3. Admit it, you're away doing Pilates with the duck, aren't you?

  4. Enjoy it and don't worry We'll wait for you!@@

  5. Glad to see a post from my fav blogger! Take your time, your posts are allways worth waiting for.

  6. Agree with batcheeba, Your posts are always worth it! Enjoy the time away from NailBlogLand & don't feel guilty about taking that time.


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