Friday, August 17, 2012

ORLY Flash Glam FX in R.I.P. Swatches and Review

I have Halloween on the brain right now. The weather's started turning colder and darker, I'm burning my new Pumpkin Cupcake candle from Bath and Body Works and I have a wicked craving for a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Then this polish comes along... a perfect black and orange Halloween glitter. It's called R.I.P. and it's part of Orly's new Flash Glam FX line of glitters.

Orly Flash Glam FX in R.I.P.. A sheer black jelly base with medium hexagon and small round orange glitter. It's sheer enough to layer over black if you don't like jelly polishes, but it's definitely opaque enough to wear alone if you don't mind doing three coats. It is reminiscent of China Glaze Fortune Teller, but it's not an exact match.

The formula on this was disappointing. It's thick and a little glue-like. It has a tendency to pool at the edges of the nail and get stringy. The glitter also clumps together more than I thought it would so it's a little bit of a challenge to do a thin, even coat. My strategy was to do as thin of a coat as possible, not worrying about glitter placement, let it dry for five minutes and repeat until I reached three coat. It's a little lumpy and definitely needs topcoat. Dry time is long.

The color? Perfect. The formula? Not so much. Adding a little polish thinner would probably help this polish a lot in the application department. But, I do love my Halloween-themed polishes, so I don't mind having to break out the thinner for this one.

(This was sent for review.)


  1. This is so perfect for halloween! Thanks for posting- definitely going to have to find this one to add to my collection now!

  2. It's kind of the orange version of Bad Romance/ Ruby red ruby (and all their

  3. Great, now I need it. Halloween is my favorite hliday and this looks fantastic. Too bad about the application! You did a great job though.

  4. Thanks for sharing the pros and cons. Given as how I already spend a king's ransom on np, I really appreciate the honesty. But the bottom line: even with the application drawbacks, it IS beautiful, and as an orange/black fiend myself, I'm game for this one, and will just deal with the app issues!

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one craving all things halloween right now

  6. Too bad about the formula - I love that there's finally a widely available (in the US) black and orange polish, though. I might have to nab it. Thanks as always!

  7. oooh pretty! I love glitter polishes, but how do you deal with those pieces of glitter that hang off the edge of the nail? i always end up scratching my face or catching them on something :( I've tried pushing them back with my fingertip or the brush, and putting a thick layer of topcoat on the tip, but they still get me everytime! thanks!

  8. Oh my gosh, I have been wanting this so bad since I saw it on their website!! Thanks for the review, now I definitely know I need to get it! :]

  9. OMG! This is amazing! even though i'm not a huge orange fan, I really love it!

  10. Weird I have this polish also and the formula was perfect on mine. Hate when batches differ like that

  11. I want the Halloween Orlys so bad it's not even funny. My Halloween obsession begins on November 1st every year! x

  12. This is amazing and totally perfect for Halloween! I can't wait to get it.

  13. I really love how it looks on your nails, that's a gorgeous glitter polish.

  14. This is so awesome! If I can find it, this will definitely be on my nails for Halloween! I also need Go Deeper (lol) from this line.

  15. This polish makes me look forward to Autumn. :)

  16. I am not big on getting Halloween polish. I know Halloween everything sells now like hot-cakes - only 2nd to Xmas I read. But I always feel it's nothing I want to wear more than the 1 day on the 31st or maybe to a party if I go to one. Odd as it's my b'day too on the 31st..ya would think I would be totally into Halloween. But I surely cannot wait for Pumpkin Spice Lattes to hit! I horded some Pumpkin Spice coffee from Green Mountain Coffee from last yr and have been drinking it for the past week now. Surprised to read that you feel fall coming! Where I live summer is starting to hit hard now with our first 70 and mid 70 degree temps hitting. We don't get much fall. It skips over after a few weeks typically and goes directly to winter. I miss the time I lived in VT! Fall was never more lovely and despite we don't have it where I live but for change in the sun/lighting - it's my fav season of 'em all.

    1. Thats a know any states that have spring, summer, fall and then just skip winter? Cause that would be great for me! lol

  17. Oh, I love everything that has something to do with halloween. So looking forward to the Halloween collections!

  18. That looks gorgeous, but the formula suckage has stayed my Buy It reflex.

  19. That is gorgeous, but the formula suckage has stayed my Buy It reflex.

  20. This is like the epitome of Halloween. I heard that the formula was really nice though! I wonder if you got a bad bottle? Still nice swatches though!

  21. I'm loving this glitter! So awesome looking! Perfect for Halloween!!

  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one with Fall/Halloween on the brain! :)

  23. Pumpkin cupcake is amazing! Just today I went to my B&BW and picked up the large candle of Pumpkin cupcake and Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin. Both smell amazing, I do have the tiny candle in Leaves but I plane on getting a bigger candle and some bulbs. They also had some great Halloween stuff out to that I have to get. Anywaysssss, that polish is very pretty but I can't stand polishes that have that gloppy stringy formula. Thinner works for a while but it just goes back to stringy =/

  24. R.I.P. is amazing! Hopefully, I will be able to find it! I need to stop by Bath And Body Works to check out all the Halloween stuff also.

  25. I love wearing Halloween nail polish, but I'm sad the formula isn't very good. :(

  26. I really like this polish - so perfect for Halloween!

  27. Wow! Perfect for halloween! It's so pretty, I think I need to get my hands on this...

  28. I think I could live with the formula, I love the way it looks lit from within. I've never had a pumpkin spiced latte, but it sounds gooood!

  29. Oooo so Halloween-ish! :) Love it!

  30. 's great! Just put one on hold at Sally's!


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